

My therapy dog

Welcome to The MS Chronicles!

Thank you for visiting. This blog was created by me, Cristen Salter, for other MS patients and their families in order to help them and myself cope with and face this disease. All information that are not personal experiences are thoroughly researched and cites are created in link or reference form. If you have a burning desire to ask me a question, please do so at Enjoy and I hope you glean comfort, education and room for compassion for all those who suffer from this disease.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Do not underestimate the power of the nurse practitioner!

Dear MS'er's and family members of the same:

As I stated in the blog "after the storm", I saw the nurse practitioner of my neurologist, who was not only super resourceful, she was compassionate and understanding and gave me all sorts of books and materials to supplement my prescriptions. I needed answers and I needed understanding and ways in which to make myself feel better. I also needed empowerment and hope that I could get through this.

She also made sure my application for financial help with the Copaxone was sent in and checked on the status. While it took 3 months and a lot of collecting of information, I got a full grant for the medication with payment of shipping only, which was $15.00 per shipment.

So I left feeling empowered and relieved. I also decided to make more appointments with her and any tests I got I would see my neurologist. So, word up MS'ers, the person to see for results and a first consultation is the neurologist, and for support and new symptoms or medication and resources, see the nurse practitioner!

I will end here, with more posts to come, reminding you that the nurse practitioner is underestimated. They are compassionate, resourceful and are able to give you the medications you need. They will also listen intently when you tell them you are not doing so well on a med and propose alternatives.