

My therapy dog

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Thank you for visiting. This blog was created by me, Cristen Salter, for other MS patients and their families in order to help them and myself cope with and face this disease. All information that are not personal experiences are thoroughly researched and cites are created in link or reference form. If you have a burning desire to ask me a question, please do so at Enjoy and I hope you glean comfort, education and room for compassion for all those who suffer from this disease.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Meds and how they interact

As I mentioned earlier, I take adderol for fatigue. I also take Paxil. It works great for anxiety and fatigue, and all the doctors support it. Dr. Corboy caught the fact that I have anxiety when I told him I take Xanax for plane rides. He would not give me Xanax to sleep, he said Xanax is for plane rides only and other times I have severe anxiety, or situations which may cause me severe anxiety; and that I needed to learn self hypnosis and other means.  I did not even use it for the breast sonogram which I was beside myself about, or the cardiologist visit below.

Later I complained to my GP I was awakened frequently at night due to spasticity in my arms and legs, then I was unable to sleep afterward. She prescribed Clonazepam which is is for my spasticity in my arms and legs that used to torture me at night. Spasticity is when your
 muscles stiffen and feel like you have a "charlie horse". It is very painful. Now I sleep well. Gabapentin also makes you feel relaxed, but it is for nerve pain and seizures, and I take it as well.
So at this time I am taking 100mg Gabapentin, Clonazepam and drinking 5-7 espresso type beverages in the morning; then a shot of Copaxone at night. 
As I mentioned, I went home to Florida for Christmas and was having pretty frequent heart palpitations. I was there for almost a month and when I got back, I immediately went to my GP who did an echo and said my rhythm had changed and she ordered a halter and I set an appointment with the cardiologist for a week after I turned the halter in.  

I went to the cardiologist  and had the entire workup done - echo, sonogram (by a strapping young man of 32 who was feeling my breasts (for the sonogram) but it felt great!!! Silver lining - when I saw that handsome young man who was to do it, all  anxiety went away : ). Plus they let me have Oliver, which is really what he is for - doggy Xanax. He now has his vest and certifications, so he can go with me anywhere. He was so great; when they put the IV in (which I have tons of anxiety about), he knew to come up and lay his head on my shoulder, look me in the eyes while I petted him.
Then I saw the cardiologist, who was knowledgeable in everything from how all the drugs I was taking interact (even how they effect sexual function!!) Here is what I learned (this was before I was prescribed adderol):
1) Copaxone causes heart palpitations. What!!! It is the best on the market. She asked if I wanted to change, I flatly said"not a chance!"
2) Coffee causes palpitations and can worsen if combined with any other drug that causes it. Right on - I knew this as I smoked for many years and thought it was the smoking. It was both. Now, I had a 15 year career in restaurant management, part of which I spent working for Seattle's Best Coffee and Starbucks. I also lived in Seattle for 5 years, and coffee was more prized than alcohol. Believe it baby! I was drinking it 24-7 and my tolerance is the highest possible. I now carry the Via with me and am never without. She asked me to give up coffee. Uh, another no. Can you do half and half? Yes. So I get half regular and half decaf ground into a pound and I bought decaf Via and do half and half with those.
3) Adderol, which was prescribed that day and she spoke with my GP about, she told me would give me the most palpitations. She told me Provigil was non-narcotic and worked well. I agreed, until I found out the price. So, here is what I did. 
I went to my GP and asked her if I could take the 100mg of Gabapentin, 1 mg of Clonazepam, drink the half and half coffee and asked how it would interact. She said it was fine, and that lots of people get agitated by adderol and the Clonazepam will offset that. 
So now I have energy and stamina and no agitation, along with no pain thanks to the Gabapentin. As soon as I get a job or SSDI I will switch to Provigil as the long term effects of adderol may be bad. After all, it is an amphetamine salt!
One more suggestion on drugs prescribed. When you go to your pharmacy, ask for a consult. Especially when getting a new drug. Ask them to look over your list on the computer and tell you how they may all interact. That is what they are there for. Pharmacists know better than anyone how these drugs interact as they make them. 
Good luck and have a wonderfilled weekend!

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