

My therapy dog

Welcome to The MS Chronicles!

Thank you for visiting. This blog was created by me, Cristen Salter, for other MS patients and their families in order to help them and myself cope with and face this disease. All information that are not personal experiences are thoroughly researched and cites are created in link or reference form. If you have a burning desire to ask me a question, please do so at Enjoy and I hope you glean comfort, education and room for compassion for all those who suffer from this disease.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Doctor of death

So I painfully waited my appointment with this unknown neurologist. I was very scared. Why did this take so long? I read about all the treatments and the scary part was that it was mentioned over and over that you must get on treatment right away after the 3rd attack. I was still experiencing the third attack - stiffness in my right arm, spasticity, itchy neck, left leg weakness, headaches, you name it. on the day of the appointment, the doctor walked in. He was so old I swore I saw him in the picture with Jesus at the last supper. My heart sunk. He then asked me, non-chalantly, "How can I help you today?". I was flabbergasted. "!What?!", I ou have to fucking kidding me! I have waited 3 months in excruciating pain and was told that you would have all the answers! have you looked at my MRI's? Do you know why I am going through this? Dr. park said I may have MS. I am here to see if those are the findings you have." He was shocked. "Let me get your films", he said as he got up to walk out the door. He then stopped. "Before I do that, I need to give you a physical exam." He then proceeded to do what we all know to be the functional capacity exam. Check reflexes, eye movement, feeling with a pin, tell me when the tuning fork stops, etc.
"your physical exam is excellent, " he declared. "Great," I answered, "the disease is like a ghost, when you summon it, it never shows, but the minute I walk out the door it will rear it's ugly head." he left to get the films.
He was gone for awhile, came back and informed me they had not been sent to his office. I was very angry at this point. "You folks could not get this shit together in 3 months?" I was pissed. And I never mince words. Note to self, always stay on top of the lemmings; otherwise they sabotage your life.
He then got word the films were available on the computer. I went to the rest room. We talked about the films and what they said. I asked that he point out on my body where the spots were. He showed me on my spine what the films were saying. He then told me he thought my pain was coming from a spot in my back between my shoulder blades.
he then set an appointment for a spinal tap. No fun in that. In the meantime, he made me suffer longer before he would give me any treatment. I went and got blood tests to rule out all other diseases. I cried all the way home. I called work and spoke with Hugh, an attorney at the office. "Not to be selfish, " he said, "but maybe if you came to work you can keep your mind off of this. I find it works for me." I agreed and went to work. It turned out to be the best decision I made.
Larry, another attorney in the office saw me crying. He came to me and said, "That's it. I know the lead epilepsy doctor at UCH. Call him and he will get you a referral to the best neurological team in the state. I called, and although it was another long wait, it was the best call I ever made. Meanwhile, my blood tests revealed I was healthy, ruling out all diseases, except MS, which I was having all the telltale symptoms of.
Next: Spinal taps suck! The experience of a tap, whether or not you need it and my final diagnosis.

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